Wadada Leo Smith (b. 1941, Leland, MS) is a composer-performer and Arts and Letters member. Formerly an educator at CalArts, he has influenced decades of musicians and artists, including Raven Chacon. In Kosmic Music, Smith’s first solo exhibition in New York, he shares over fifty years of Ankhrasmation.
Ankhrasmation is a musical language Smith began exploring in 1965. Smith does not consider Ankhrasmation to be his creation but rather something he discovered. The name derives from Ankh, an ancient Egyptian symbol of life; Ras, an Ethiopian word for leader or father; and Ma, for mother. The distinctive language uses line, color, and shape to designate musical components such as tonal range and intensity of activity. For Smith, performing Ankhrasmation requires focused practice and “having that space in your heart and mind so that you can play from inspiration.”
Wadada Leo Smith and Raven Chacon will perform in a concert with the RedKoral Quartet featuring compositions by both artists.
Kosmic Music is organized by Jenny Jaskey, Chief Curator, and Kristin Poor, Curator, and supported by the Wolf Kahn Foundation. The exhibition is presented on the occasion of Raven Chacon’s Aviary.
Opening Weekend Concert with Wadada Leo Smith and Raven Chacon
For prior exhibitions please write to info@artsandletters.org.